I have been experimenting with 'mobile photography' since early 2010 and have had my work shown in a number of physical and digital mobile photography shows and exhibitions.

Andrew B. White NEM Founder Artist

Andrew B. White NEM Founder Artist

As a graphic designer have over 20 years of Photoshop experience and prior to that several years of traditional experience in editing photos for graphic design work. Those skills include retouching, manipulation, colour correction, resizing etc. However, for my mobile photography I do not process any of my works outside of the iPhone but my traditional graphic skills carry across and influence my mobile work flow. I don't believe I have a specific signature style; more a broad range of processes that I apply to my photos to create certain visual looks. My images definitely lean towards more traditional photography in content, presentation and composition. I tend to shoot anything I come across in everyday life as well as cityscapes, architecture, landscapes, skies, found situations and objects, right through to art nudes ...

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Writer, author & digital artist. Founder of the New Era Museum