NEM Your Life 05 curated by Frédéric Deschênes‎.
NEM Your Life 04 curated by Frédéric Deschênes‎.

NEM Your Life 04 curated by Frédéric Deschênes‎.

October and its colors… Fall in all its splendor… Admire the greater than oneself… Thank you, for your wonderful sharing. Thanks to all who share your moments of life in this group.
— Frédéric Deschênes‎

FEATURED WORKS BY: Daria Stermac, Elaine Taylor, Rosalie Heller, Lucília Faria, Karen Axelrad, Anndrea Lewis, Adrian McGarry and Kate Zari Roberts.

Writer, author & digital artist. Founder of the New Era Museum