NEM Your Life 03 curated by Frédéric Deschênes‎.
Frédéric Deschênes‎ Photographer and NEM Your LIfe Curator

Frédéric Deschênes‎ Photographer and NEM Your LIfe Curator

The holidays are over for the majority!. We had the chance to enjoy your wonderful collage in August.
Thank you to everyone who share and participate in this group.
— Frédéric Deschênes‎

FEATURED WORKS BY: Dieter Gaebel, Deborah Kleven Morbeto, Daria Stermac,, Leon Williams, Catherine Schell Caddigan, Manuela Matos Monteiro, Andrea Gessat and Philip Del Carmen.

Writer, author & digital artist. Founder of the New Era Museum